Palestinian Prisoners' Club reported Israeli prison authorities exploit scabies to torture Palestinian detainees ...
At least 20 miners were killed and six others injured in a suspected militant attack in southwestern Pakistan, an official ...
Filtering algorithms carry biases of developers and companies using them against certain groups and make unfavorable ...
The Syndicate of Chemists in Lebanon (SCL) warned Sunday that the scale of destruction and the depth of damage to buildings and the ground suggest the use of internationally banned bombs ...
Lebanon said Thursday that the death toll from Israeli assaults across the country hit 1,540 since last October. The Disaster Risk Management Unit said in a report the number injured stands at ...
Fetullahçı Terör Örgütü (FETÖ) ve mensupları örgütün elebaşı Fetullah Gülen'in ABD’nin Pensilvanya eyaletinde öldüÄŸünü ...
Le déploiement de soldats nord-coréens pour combattre sur le front ukrainien aux côtés des forces russes constituerait une ...
A la suite de menaces israéliennes de bombarder des bâtiments abritant des filiales de l'institution financière Al-Qard ...
Sanofi et CD&R négocient la cession de 50% d'Opella, valorisée à 16 milliards d'euros. Découvrez les enjeux de ce projet de ...
Deux proches collaborateurs du principal opposant mozambicain, Venancio Mondlane, ont été assassinés dans la nuit du vendredi ...
Türk savunma sanayisi bünyesinde geliÅŸtirilen ve "dünyanın ilk alçak irtifa çok amaçlı insansız hava aracı" (Ä°HA) iddiasına sahip TALAY, ilk kez tanıtılacak. Türkiye'nin denizdeki yeni avcısı olarak a ...
2025 yılı Merkezi Yönetim Bütçe Kanun Teklifi Meclis’e sunuldu. Teklifin eki cetvellerde 2025 yılında ödenecek fazla çalışma ...