78岁的川普造势的特点是使用激烈言辞,且说的常常与实情有出入,尤其是在移民这一关键选举议题上。他将无证移民比作动物,威胁要对他眼中的敌人发动报复行动,对俄罗斯总统蒲亭(Vladimir Putin)等独裁者赞不绝口,并将美国描述为一个只有他才能修复的破败国家。
You can't walk very far through a forest in this part of the United States without stumbling upon a mushroom, an eruption ...
Australian mining giant BHP goes on trial on Monday over one of Brazil's worst environmental disasters, potentially ...
Pakistan's government on Monday narrowly passed a package of constitutional amendments it said would stop the country's ...
"Breaking" news, screamed an online post by a conservative American influencer as he pushed disinformation about Kamala ...