MOSCOW, October 21. /TASS/. While the Ukraine conflict will not feature on the agenda of the coming BRICS summit, participants can feel free to discuss the issue, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said ...
"The interests of a sizable portion of the EU population lie in the fact that they do not wish to see yet another war break out," the minister said ...
In his latest memoir, Boris Johnson attempted to deny responsibility for derailing the Istanbul talks, Russian foreign minister said ...
"They do not have to join BRICS, but they should collaborate in the implementation of specific projects, which is in the interests of all of us," Russia's top diplomat said ...
"Criminal groups working with foreign forces have attacked our country with tens of millions of euros, lies and propaganda <…> to keep our country trapped in uncertainty and instability," Maia Sandu s ...
The two premiers plan to discuss pressing issues facing cooperation in the trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres ...
NATO’s new chief "serves as a `technical secretary’ who is articulating the position that has been agreed upon within NATO, largely influenced by Washington's stance," the minister said ...
MOSCOW, October 21. /TASS/. Russia is willing to work with any US administration but only on the basis of equality and mutual respect, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with ...
The Kremlin press service announced that the two leaders plan to discuss "the state and prospects for the development of multifaceted Russian-UAE cooperation and pressing issues on the international ...
"It turs out that the European leaders are ready to defend the so-called values of Nazism again, therefore denazification is an urgent task rather than a motto," the minister said ...
"In Kiev, separate regulations have been issued to cancel any cultural activities in Russian," Russian foreign minister noted ...
MOSCOW, October 21. /TASS/. The sabotage on the Nord Stream natural gas pipelines transformed Germany and other European countries into an appendage of the United States in terms of the economy, ...