In a presidential contest that’s expected to be tight, every electoral vote could matter. That’s why the Harris campaign has cast its eyes northward to Maine, home to one of the largest,
Maine House candidate Elizabeth Jordan shares her views as she seeks election in 2024 in Maine House District 134 (Kennebunk/Kennebunkport/Biddeford)
Maine House Rep. Traci Gere shares her views as she seeks re-election in District 134, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, Biddeford.
The race for Congress in Maine's First District is a long shot for the two candidates hoping to unseat Democratic incumbent Chellie Pingree. Pingree has served eight terms as congresswoman, representing a heavily blue portion of the state,
For nearly a month, a self-described Democratic grassroots coalition has had a canvassing effort going where volunteers have been solicited – including from Maine and Niles townships – and bused
Maine House candidate Scott Craig shares his views as he seeks election in 2024 in Maine House District 135 (Kennebunk)
As the 2024 election approaches, here's what to know about ballot tracking, vote-by-mail deadlines, and finding your polling site in Maine.
Maine House candidate Bradley Moulton shares his views as he seeks election in 2024 in Maine House District 146 Ogunquit, portions of York and Wells
Maine House candidate Katie Manende Hall shares her views as she seeks election in 2024 in Maine House District 143 (Sanford).
Special Report' Bret Baier explains how the split Electoral Votes in Maine and Nebraska could cause a 269-269 scenario. BAIER: In tonight's 50 Races in 50 Days, we spotlight two races to make good on the fact we only did one last night.
Political or civic experience highlights: Maine State Representative: 2022-present. Town of Kennebunk Budget Board: 2020-22 What are your top three priorities if elected?:
Maine schools often turn to taxpayers for school construction or renovation funding because of the state's limited resources. But voters in those communities may not be open to picking up these big costs.